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If you were wondering if there would be a Map Editor for The Cossacks Add-on pack next year, I would say why would you want that. You've have already got a pefectly good one (apart from the fact its in Russion). So don't delay make a map today! And send it to me at olej24@hotmail.com
1. How to start the editor?
- start Cossacks
- in the main menue press <ctrl> and keep it pressed
- click on intro
- wait some minutes while the map-editor is loading
2. What to do now?
first of all save the empty map:
- press <p> and create 5 civilians
- press <2> on the num block
- press <p> again and create 5 civilians
- press F12 - main menue is opening
- press the second button from the top (=save)
- type in a name for your map, for example "new map"
- press the first button from left
From now on you can start your map again if you want to cancel
further activities
With this method no units can be added to the map. More about
this problem later.
3. the functions of the map editor:
<F2> : define terrain (many textures for the ground are
<F3> : build hills
<F4> : add different stone-types and mines
<F5> : add fields (all different periods available)
attention: before you press <F5>, save your map! the
"add fields" function is not bug-free!
<F6> : define structure of ground and hills
<F8> : add trees, bushes etc.
<F12> : game menue
the game menue consists of the following options:
- back to main menue
- save game
- load game
- new map - is not active!
- grafic/sound options
The menue works like the English/German one.
<1-9> : define brush (the brush that adds textures, trees,
stone etc.)
<W> : activate peace mode: important before you place
<R> : define start ressources
<T> : could have something to do with the size of the map
<U> : unit menue
<I> : info menue
<P> : place units
<S> : blockade mode
<F> : fog of war on/off
<G> : not clear yet
<H> : mapcompiler
<L> : donīt press!!!!! (you will do anyway, Iīm sure,
<C> : add water; erase water with F6: the brush adds ground
again on water-areas to add water again, press <C>
<V> : day/night mode (yes, there is such a mode in
<N> : delete objetcs
<M> : size of the mini-map
<Ctrl + C> : select defined area (like copy/paste in word)
<Ctrl + V> : copies with <Ctrl + C> selected areas at
another place
<Ctrl + R> : enter dll path (for AI)
<Ctrl + I> : could be the AI program
<Ctrl + S> : AI parameter
<Ctrl + G> : coordinate system
<Ctrl + X> : necessary to build walls and move units
<Alt + F4>: donīt press!!!!
<Numpad + Numlock> : define player 1-8
<Esc> : quit current tool
4. small manual:
4a) add hills:
<F3> : select "add hill" tool
<F6> : select "hill-menue"
possibility 1:
keep <shift> pressed, then you get a straight line, then
creation of a polyeder. Then let off <shift>.
Define a height in the appearing menue.
Or keep <shift + strg> pressed and draw a form, then let
possibility 2:
press F3, select a brush <1-9>, then raise or let down
either with <pgUP/DOWN> (plateau if you have a big brush)
or with <+/-> (hill gets steep). Take care that you donīt
raise too much. Itīs difficult to undo!
translation of the words in the hill-editor:
controller left:
R1: height of the hill
R2: radius of the hill
R3: width of the passage
R4: number of furrows
R5: depth of the furrows
R6: phase of the furrows
bottom keys:
top left: type of passage
top right: "size" (a kind of altimeter. if itīs
selected, R1 shows the height)
bottom left: type of function
bottom right: type of brush
4b) change terrain:
press <F2> and add new skin
4c) problems with water:
Take care when you place water. Look carefully at the brush you
use. If you add a lake on a hill, the water destroys the hill and
up to now itīs not clear how to undo this action
blockade area:
To define blockade areas (for example if you create deep forests)
go into the game menue and select "show blockade
areas". Then press <S> and as long as the blockade
mode is active you can block areas
by drag and drop.
4d) create units:
possibility 1:
- create a new map and add about 2x4 civilians
- start a random game with this map
- press <Enter>
- type <www> into the chat box
- press <P>
- place units in the map
possibility 2:
- create a map without units
- press <W> for the peace mode. Otherwise units start to
fight on the map!
- press <P> and add units to the map
5) Editor tips, tricks and news:
If you create a map and want to save, you canīt add more units
later on. Before saving, define ressources for all players
<R> and then save!
The reason for this is the start ressources. If you place any
buildings, the ressources the building would cost in game are